Simply call me “Gui”.
I began my meditation journey in my early 20s, initiated into the mystical teachings of the Rosicrucians. This transformative path became my solace, helping me navigate life’s vicissitudes.
Driven by a deep thirst for spiritual wisdom, I underwent extensive training to become a certified Meditation Teacher in Rishikesh, the global hub of Yoga and Meditation, nestled in the Himalayan foothills. Additionally, I acquired certifications as a Multi-style Yoga and Tantra teacher in the serene landscapes of Goa, India.
My passion for inspiring others led me to share my knowledge through meditation classes, assisting fellow yoga enthusiasts and aspiring teachers on their spiritual paths. You can also find my guidance on some of the most popular meditation apps.
In creating this space, my intention is to offer you an invitation to explore the enriching dimensions of meditation. I firmly believe that everyone can practice meditation, tailoring it to meet individual needs, expectations, and beliefs. Join me on this sacred journey towards spiritual awakening.
I also understand that not everyone has it easy when trying to Meditate. To make it simple for anyone, I have created a method with a combination of many different Meditation styles in the same meditative flow. I call them, hybrid Meditations. Hybrid guided meditation is the best way to start your practices in the vast universe of Meditation.
"Gui will guide you into enjoyable smart inner journeys leading you to experience states of pure blissfulness. He is here to help and gladly make you feel your best in every single session."
Let me guide you into enjoyable smart inner journeys leading you to experience states of pure blissfulness. I am here to help and gladly make you feel at your best in every single session.
Gui is certified on Yoga and Meditation from the reputed institute of ÍNDIA.
" Gui, is a certified Yoga and Meditation Teacher from the reputed Institute of INDIA.
Experience The Power Of Meditation
When we start to operate genuinely from the heart, our lives reach a different dynamic. The heart governs the authentic self, and from this place, a more fulfilling existence begins.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply, letting yourself be cradled by the gentle rhythm of your breath. Imagine a soft, radiant light hovering above you, cascading down like a waterfall
Bem-vindo! Esta é uma meditação cuidadosamente projetada para guiar você por uma experiência de autoexploração e amor genuíno para si mesmo. A meditação proposta é um convite à autodescoberta e
Bom Dia! Hoje, vamos usar esse tempo para encontrar gratidão por tudo que temos na vida. Uma atitude de gratidão tem o poder de criar abundância.
Esta meditación guiada es un acompañamiento para acceder a tus registros Akáshicos, una dimensión amparada por la energía universal, donde se encuentra todo el conocimiento adquirido de los
Finding Your Centre with this Grounding meditation. Grounding meditation uses that contact as the starting point for a mindfulness exercise that deepens your awareness of the connection and
A powerful mindfulness meditation flow to deeply ground you into the present moment. Indulge in total acceptance, let it go, and release unwanted thoughts. We will use breathing and visualization
Tómate unos minutos para observar tu cuerpo y fluir con tu respiración. Aquieta tu mente y relaja tu cuerpo con esta meditación. Conseguir paz mental, calma, serenidad, nutrirse
Start your day with a Smile. Short and positive morning meditation, start your day with the right tone. Enjoy each breath with a deep sense of love and
Flow into an astral travel journey. From your third eye to the immensity of the universe, fly among the stars in search of infinite dimensions. The cosmos is
This is a meditation to nurture your emotions with love and kindness. A gentle flow brings you peace in your mind and promotes inner peace. A deep connection